Easy & simple way to make money online!

Make real money by uploading and sharing your videos.

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Our features

HLS streaming

Stream your videos without buffering with ultra fast HLS technology.

Faster Encoding

Encoding will be much faster compared to other competitors in the market.

Extensive statistics

Keep an eye on the progress of your files and traffic in an advanced way.

Support 24/7

Whenever you need help, you will get help immediately.

Subtitles Support

You can upload your own subtitles in any language you want.

Referral Rewards

Earn a fixed amount per 10,000 downloads or streams.

Frequently Asked Questions

Abstream is a video hosting provider. We offer online storage, sophisticated uploading and video streaming tools. With Abstream you can host your videos and play them online from browser / mobile devices.

Whenever you need to share a video, Abstream can help.
We optimize quality / size of your videos and make them playable in web player. So you can start watching video quickly without downloading whole file.

You can upload videos via browser, FTP, Remote URL & API.

No, there is no bandwidth limitations.

Yes, you can upload adult videos but make sure it is legal.

Yes, for free users it will be removed after 30 days and for premium users videos will be removed after 60 days.